金曜日, 9月 25, 2009

My Introduction

Hello! My English name is Lin(or Lynn).

In fact, I don't like to use my English name

because I'm use to introduce myself with my Japanese name - Ayu.

I major in Computer Science and Information Engineering .

My birthday is on January 9, and the star sign is Capricomus.

In my leisure time, I usually listen to music and surf on net.

I love music very much and I learned playing the guitar and bass before.

I have a band now,it calls AttilA.

In our band, I play the bass which is my favorite instrument.

Although the music type of our band are Rock or Grunge,

my favorite music is SOUL which is like R&B but a little different.

Learning language is one of my hobbies, and I learn Japanese several years.

I really love Japan and I went to Japan many times.

My Japanese is much better than English, but I think they're both important.

I want to improve my English well in Speaking and Writing, that's why I attend this class.

4 コメント:

福順 さんのコメント...

Hello! Lin.
Nice to meet you, too.
I am a beginner for learning Japenese.
Maybe you can help me to solve my problem of Japenese.
In English, we can work hard togeter.

James さんのコメント...

Wow,A girl who can plays bass and joins a band is really cool

I also study Japanese by myself, but not really good.


Steve さんのコメント...

Hi Lin,
I also like Janpan too, espically comic books, so maybe you can translate into Chinese for me.

Diana's English learning blog さんのコメント...

Hello, Lin. I saw your comment and I'm so glad to meet someone love band and dancing, too!