日曜日, 11月 29, 2009

Assignment 8: Listen to ESL Podcast 528

ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary

In this conversation, a man and a woman are negotiating the woman's salary.
The man wants to hire the woman, but they have different thinking about salary.

"I'm happy to hear that." Formally, we use "I'm delighted to hear that."

Salary: Use it for monthly full-time job for the most case.
ex: a monthly salary, a yearly salary

Wage: Use it for hourly paid job, like part time job pays $10 per hour.
ex: an hourly wage, a daily wage

constraint noun
something which controls what you do by keeping you within particular limits
ex: The constraints of politeness wouldn't allow her to say what she really thought about his cooking.

compensation noun
something that makes you feel better when you have suffered something bad
ex: I have to spend three months of the year away from home - but there are compensations like the chance to meet new people.

"I'm looking for..." Formally, we use "I would be looking for..."

After listening to this conversation, I think it's quite useful for me because I'll going to get a job in these months.
First conversation read with a slower speed ,and then explain phrases and expressions. In explanations, teacher explains expressions mean and how to use them.
After that, the conversation read with normal speed.
I think the sequences help us be more concentrate on the conversation because sometimes we listen to a text with normal speed first, we'll have less interesting in the difficult text. In fact, that's not difficult for you but the speed will make you afraid.

In my opinion, ESL's themes are more practical than some materials like Studio Classroom. I think Studio Classroom is helpful to everyone even junior high school students but for university students or members of society, the topic are not helpful enough. I would like to listen to ESL to improve my English.

1 コメント:

Sally さんのコメント...

Nice and detailed notes, Lin.
You're right, the topics in ESL PodCast might be more appealing to people at work.
If you find this site helpful to you, you could consider listening to it everyday or every two days. They have a lot of clips in the archive, and should be able to meet your various need.